I'm SO EXCITED to share these cute little ideas for your party. These photos were searched via internet, and as we have searched so many of these we only pick few on it and labeled it as "our team's FAVORITE idea" of the month. :)
Of Course! everyone's wanted to have a fun filled idea on your party right? with a no hassle idea exist.
Here's what we have seen...
A Sticky photos were placed to find their number seats at the venue. :)
These very organic green effect of the souvenirs were also tagged with the number seats of your guest. a hassle free idea.
A Vintage cute idea in displaying your seat numbers with a style.
on the upper left side, is a vintage wood style covered with a white organza cloth to add a victorian match style for the seating chart. on the upper right side, a white frames, instead of photos on it, names per table were shown, and at the center above, a cute vintage like bag hanged with the name tags and numbers.
Very creative style, we love how it looks like, it's very simple and yet still looks elegant. A Chalk board with a frame filled with their respective names and table numbers.
and this one catch our attention, a colorful bright in motif little hearts to take your seat.
THESE are just our chosen photos via internet that we wanted to share to those who would like to add a creative style at your events, a very fun, creative that will make your party a bit enjoyable and memorable.
The Event Specialist
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